Trainings/ Workshops


CEIDeM supports systematic review workshops in Manipal and other parts of India. If you are interested in conducting a workshop for your college/ institute, please send a mail to

CEIDeM, in collaboration with other institutes, conducts capacity building workshops on systematic reviews and evidence and gap maps. For more information, please see ‘news and events’ for upcoming workshops at


Webinar on "Evidence-Based Approaches for Health": October 18, 2024

As part of World Evidence-based Healthcare Day, The Centre hosted a webinar on October 18, 2024, (10:00 to 11:00 hours IST) Virtually through Microsoft Teams. The event featured Dr. Ravindra Prabhu Attur, a Professor in the Department of Nephrology at KMC, who delivered a talk titled “Using Evidence-Based Approaches to Take Action for Health and Beyond.”

Workshop on Systematic reviews and meta-analysis : July 29-31, 2024

Dr Divya Sussana Patil and Mr. Elstin Anbu Raj were invited to conduct a three-day systematic review workshop at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bengaluru. The workshop provided participants with invaluable hands-on learning across the various stages of conducting a Systematic review and Meta analysis.

Webinar on ‘Introduction to Scoping Review Methodology’ : July 15, 2024

The Centre for Evidence-informed Decision-making organized a Webinar on ‘Introduction to Scoping Review Methodology’ Virtually through Microsoft Teams on Monday, July 15, 2024 (9:30 to 12:30 hours IST). Dr. Edlin Glane Mathias presented the different types of reviews, followed by Mr. Elstin Anburaj, who discussed how to choose the appropriate review to address a research question. Dr. Divya Susanna Patil then provided a detailed insight into the methodology of scoping reviews during the final session. A total of 176 Faculty, post-doctorates, PhD scholars, researchers, postgraduates from all disciplines were the participants in the webinar.

Workshop on Systematic reviews and meta-analysis : May 09-11, 2024

Manipal Institute of Virology had organized a capacity-building workshop on “Systematic reviews and meta-analysis” in collaboration with the Centre for Evidence-informed Decision-making, Prasanna School of Public Health, MAHE, Manipal during May 9-11, 2024, at Health Science Library Building, MAHE, Manipal.

Workshop on Systematic Review: February 26-28, 2024

Dr Divya Sussana Patil and Mr. Elstin Anbu Raj were invited to conduct a three-day systematic review workshop at Bangalore Hospice Trust - Karunashraya Institute for Palliative Care Education and Research (BHT-KIPCER), Bengaluru. The workshop provided participants with invaluable hands-on learning across the various stages of conducting a Systematic review and Meta analysis.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis: January 11-16, 2024

The PHESA team conducted an in-house capacity building programme on "Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis" during January 11-16, 2024, at Prasanna School of Public Health, Manipal


Scoping Review Workshop: May – June 2023

Public Health Evidence South Asia (PHESA), Department of Health Information (DoHI), Prasanna School of Public Health (PSPH), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal organized a Scoping Review Workshop on May 17, May 31, June 14, June 28 (09:00 to 17:00 hours IST). The workshop was organized on-campus and was attended by 50 participants from both MAHE and outside.

Harmonizing the Real-World Evidence for clinical decision making: May 2023

Workshop on ‘Introduction to Scoping Review Methodology’

PHESA conducted a half day workshop on “Introduction to Scoping Review Methodology” on May 05, 2023. A total of 64 participants representing various disciplines participated in the workshop. The participants had a thought-provoking session on typology of reviews where the participants were exposed to different review types. Following this, the participants were given insights on scoping review methodology and reporting guidelines. The participants were given hands-on session for choosing the right review for their project work.


Research week celebration

Dr Edlin Glane Mathias, Research Fellow, PHESA was the resource person for the Research week celebration on the theme “Evidence synthesis by systematic reviews and evidence sharing in research” organized by Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal held between 17-22 October, 2022.

Workshop on Review Methodology

PHESA conducted a one day workshop on “Review Methodology” on Aug 29, 2022. A total of 72 participants from various MAHE institutions participated in the workshop. The workshop began with a thought-provoking session on the typology of reviews where the participants were exposed to different review types. The participants were exposed to the philosophy of conducting scoping reviews following the JBI methodology. The participants were also given hands-on sessions for constructing simple and complex searches.


‘Indo-UK workshop on Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis’

Dr. Shradha S. Parsekar and Dr. Prachi Pundir, Research Officers, PHESA were the resource persons for the “Indo-UK workshop on Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis" organized by Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal, held between November 22 and 26, 2021.

Workshop on “Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis”

PHESA conducted a five day online workshop on “Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis” at Charotar University of Science and Technology – CHARUSAT, Gujarat. The workshop aimed at sensitizing participants on systematic review methodology. The interactive sessions of the workshop were held from 22nd to 26th March, 2021. Twenty five participants from nursing college attended the workshop.

A three-day online workshop on ‘Introduction to Systematic Reviews’

PHESA conducted a three-day online workshop on ‘Introduction to Systematic Reviews’. The workshop aimed at sensitizing participants on systematic review methodology. The interactive sessions of the workshop were held from 15th to 17th March, 2021. Fifty participants representing various disciplines from different states in India and abroad, attended the workshop.

Webinar on 'Indigenizing systematic review evidence for policy decisions in India

PHESA and Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, in collaboration with EPPI-Centre, UCL Social Research Institute, University College London, UK, organized a webinar on 'Indigenizing systematic review evidence for policy decisions in India'. This webinar was organized on 5th March 2021, under the Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) grant received by the above-mentioned institutions, for a capacity building project on ‘Indigenising Evidence Synthesis and Systematic Reviews for International Development and Global Challenges’.  Objective of the webinar was to gain expert opinion and views of all the relevant stakeholders on a handbook based on Indigenizing systematic review evidence for Indian context.


Training of trainers on teaching research synthesis methods and indigenizing knowledge.

As a part of SPARC funded project titled ‘Indigenizing evidence synthesis and systematic reviews for international development and global challenges' a ToT course for ten weeks was held from 6th October 2020 to 15th December 2020.

The international project team members (Professor Sandy Oliver, Dr Mukdarut Bangpan, Dr Claire Stansfield and Dr Preethy D’Souza,) from EPPI-Centre, Social Research Institute, UCL Institute of Education (IOE), University College London, The UK ; and Dr. Kelly Dickson, Associate Professor and module leader of Systematic Review and Design Planning at Social Research Institute, IOE, UCL conducted a Training of the Trainer (ToT) program on teaching research synthesis methods and indigenizing knowledge for the Indian project team members, faculty and researchers at Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal. Under this training program, four members from Public Health Evidence South Asia, MAHE were trained in evidence synthesis.

Workshop in research synthesis methods and indigenising knowledge, UCL, London

Dr. Bhumika T.V., Assistant Professor and Coordinator, PHESA; and Dr. Eti Rajwar, Research Officer, PHESA completed 2 months training in advanced methods for evidence synthesis at University College London (UCL), London, UK, in the month of February and March 2020.

Cochrane India Network meeting, New Delhi

Dr. Bhumika attended the Cochrane India Network meeting to discuss challenges, opportunities, and vision for Cochrane in India. Also, the process of further developing a Cochrane India Network. The meeting was held at New Delhi, on 20-21st February 2020.


Workshop on ‘Introduction to Health Technology Assessment and Health Economics’, Manipal, 2019

Prasanna School of Public Health, MAHE, Manipal in collaboration with University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT), Austria. Dr. Petra Schnell-Inderest Senior Scientist and Dr. Beate Jahn Assistant Professor from UMIT, Austria were the resource persons for the workshop. Dr. Biju Soman, Professor & Associate Dean (Health Sciences), Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala delivered a talk on ‘HTA in India’ on the first day of the workshop.The workshop was organized from 2nd – 6th December, 2019.

One-day workshop on ‘Introduction to Systematic reviews’ at Manipal College of Health Professionals, Manipal, 2019

Dr. Shradha Parsekar, Dr. Prachi Pundir and Dr. Vijay Shree Dhyani were resource persons for a one-day workshop on ‘Introduction to Systematic reviews’ at Manipal College of Health Professionals (MCHP), held on 23rd September 2019. The participants were research scholars and faculty from MCHP. More than 50 participants actively participated in the systematic review workshop.

Invited talk at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2019

Dr. Bhumika TV delivered a talk at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, on the topic “Learning dimensions of well-being for older adults using capability approach” on 14th &15th March, 2019.

Workshop on Evidence & Gap map (protocol development) in liaison with Campbell Collaboration, Manipal, 2019

A two day workshop on Evidence & Gap map was conducted on 4th and 5th July, 2019. Dr. Ashrita Saran, Evidence Synthesis Specialist from the Campbell collaboration conducted sessions on the scientific principles, methods, analysis, and reporting standards that guide the process of conducting EGM. This protocol development workshop was the next step to the Title Registration Form training covered in the previous workshop.

Workshop on Introduction to Evidence & Gap map (EGM), Manipal, 2019

A three day workshop on Evidence & Gap map was conducted on 07th, 08th & 09th January, 2019. The workshop provided an introduction to Evidence and Gap Map in health and social sciences. Dr. Ashrita Saran, Evidence Synthesis Specialist from the Campbell collaboration conducted sessions on Introduction to Evidence and Gap Map, Developing the review question for EGMs (scope setting), EGM Framework setting, literature searching for EGMs, Introduction to software EPPI reviewer and gave guidance to develop a Campbell Title Registration Form (TRF) for an EGM.


National workshop on Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis at All India Institute of Speech & Hearing (AIISH), Mysore, 2018

Dr. Bhumika TV conducted a session on sensitization for Cochrane systematic review methodology during the National workshop on Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis at AIISH, Mysore on 8th December 2018. The session was attended by around fifty participants including post graduates from the field of speech and hearing.

Workshop on Cochrane Review Writing, KMC, Manipal, 2018

Dr. Divya Sussana Patil was a resource person for the session on "Searching for evidence", as part of a workshop on Cochrane Review Writing conducted by KMC, Manipal, on 20th July, 2018

Evidence Informed Public Writing for Academics and Researchers- an EPPI centre collaborative workshop, Manipal, 2018

A full day workshop on Evidence-informed public writing for academics and researcher was conducted on 26th June 2018. Dr. Preethy D’ Souza, Research Associate, UCL Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom, discussed the evidence synthesis activities of EPPI-centre and shared the experience and possible collaborations. The workshop provided an important step for getting the findings of research and reviews read by people making policy, practice or personal decisions.

Workshop on ‘Mixed Methods for Systematic Reviews’, Manipal, 2018

A half day pre-conference workshop on Mixed Methods for Systematic Reviews was conducted on 31st January 2018. Dr. Shrinivas Darak, Senior Researcher, PRAYAS Health Group, Pune, talked about the basics of mixed methods research, from the theories and scientific paradigm to the synthesis of primary and systematic review in his workshop.

Workshop on ‘Research to Community through Media’, Manipal, 2018

Professor Subhadra Menon, Executive Director (Research), Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation, New Delhi, talked about packaging research evidence for improved public health outcomes on 31st January 2018. Professor Menon discussed the current reach and challenges of taking research to the policymakers for change, and from where it was generated, the community.

Workshop on ‘Translating Evidence to Policy’, Manipal, 2018

A full day pre-conference workshop on ‘Translating Evidence to Policy’ was conducted on 1st February, 2018. Resource persons from different fields shared their experience on the various aspects of evidence to policy followed by a panel discussion at the end. The invited speakers were Dr. B. Unnikrishnan, Dr. Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas, Dr. Anju Sinha, Prof. Subhadra Menon, Dr. Shrinivas Darak, Dr. Helmut Brand and Dr. N Sreekumaran Nair.

Workshop on ‘Mixed Methods Research’, Manipal, 2018

Manipal College of Nursing in collaboration with Public Health Evidence South Asia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, organised a half day workshop on Mixed Methods Research on January 11, 2018. The resource person for the workshop was Dr. Carolyn M. Porta, Associate Professor and Director of Global Health, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota. The workshop was attended by over 70 participants. Dr. Porta explained the concepts of mixed methods research by demonstration with examples and actively engaging the participants. She also explained the newer models for analysis of mixed methods research.


  • Prof. N Sreekumaran Nair, Invited talk on “Behavior change communication and its impact on maternal and child health” at Workshop on health literacy and health promotion organised by Manipal Health Literacy Unit, Department of Public Health, Manipal Academy of higher Education, Manipal held on 18th February 2017 at Manipal. Delegates of the workshop were junior health assistant male and female who are pursuing post graduate diploma in health education and health communication.

    Workshop on health literacy and health promotion

  • Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Steps in conducting a systematic review was taken by Sreekumaran Nair at the international workshop organized by PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education on January 5th 2017 at the South Asian Evidence Summit.
  • Introduction to GRADE was taken by Melissa Glenda Lewis at the international workshop organized by PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education on January 5th 2017 at the South Asian Evidence Summit.


  • The establishment of the Trans-disciplinary Centre for Qualitative Methods (TCQM) under the leadership of PHESA at Manipal Academy of higher Education at Manipal Academy of higher Education was approved on the 29th of April, 2016 under the leadership of PHESA and It was coordinated by Prof. N Sreekumaran Nair and Dr. Ajay Bailey.

    The main aim of the centre is to educate, facilitate and promote trans-disciplinary qualitative research for a comprehensive understanding of the issues pertaining to public health
  • The main objectives of the TCQM are:
    1. To promote inter-disciplinary research in public health
    2. To provide impetus to researchers from across disciplines to share expertise and collaborate.
    3. To create awareness about qualitative research in public health in South Asia.
    4. To build capacities of young scholars in teaching and conducting qualitative research.
    5. To establish a regional hub in qualitative research in South Asia through a trans-disciplinary approach that involves researchers, practitioners and civil society organizations.
  • The student exchange programme was conducted in 2016 that throws light on quantitative & qualitative research methods, paves the way for understanding the foundational concepts of public health research, and highlights the role of systematic reviews in building high-quality evidence to inform health policy. PHESA had 4 exchange students (9th April to 5th May, 2016) from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Evidence Dissemination Workshop on Behavior change communication (BCC) with Stakeholders held on 4-5th July 2016 at Pune, Attended by BCC project team (Prof. N Sreekumaran Nair, Dr. Shradha Parsekar, Ms. Hanna Nelson, Ms. Valeria Bevilacqua, Ms. Ratheebhai V from PHESA; Dr. Shrinivas Darak, Dr. Trupti Darak and Dr. Ritu Parchure from Prayas; Prof. Subhadra Menon from Kailash Satyarthi Foundation; and Dr. Unnikrishnan B, Associate Dean, KMC Manglore)


  • PHESA organized Public Health Evidence South Asia Colloquium, from Feb 5th – 7th, 2015.

    The aim of this colloquium was to build a common platform to aid evidence building and policy framing of effective interventions which contributes to the enhancement of health of the population in LMICs. PHESA Colloquium 2015 was a successful event with 75 participants, 4 plenary talks, 38 oral presentations, 25 posters and 3 workshops”
  • 23rd Cochrane Colloquium held from October 3rd -7th, 2015, Vienna.
  • 43rd Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSMCON), January 6-9, 2016, jointly organised by Department of Community Medicine, GMERS Medical College and Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  • Indian Biometric Society - Indian Region (IBS-IR) and Public Health Evidence South Asia (PHESA) Joint Conference, January 11-12, Manipal Academy of higher Education, Manipal.
  • Pre- conference “Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-analysis” January 6, 2015


  • Training programme held on systematic reviews and meta-analysis, University of Groningen, The Netherlands: Oct 25-31, 2014
  • 22nd Cochrane colloquium, Evidence Informed Public Health opportunities and challenges, Hyderabad International Convention center, Hyderabad, India, September 21- 25, 2014
  • “International conference on Reducing burden of preventable infections: opportunities and challenges for the 21st century” 15th & 16th October, 2014, Hotel Pride, Ahmedabad, IIPH Gandhinagar
  • Training session on Systematic Reviews by Melissa Glenda Lewis at the Summer school organized by Students’ Research forum, Manipal Academy of higher Education from July 23-29, 2014.
  • Training session on Meta-analysis by Ravishankar at the Summer School organized by Students’ Research forum, Manipal Academy of higher Education from July 23-29, 2014.


  • Mentorship programme was conducted on 15th Jan 2013, Manipal Academy of higher Education, Manipal, the participant were given an overview of the relevance of evidence in healthcare that included 6 medical students. Also the similar programme was conducted in KMC Mangalore on Jan, 2013 that included 6 UG medical students.
  • Healthcare researcher’s mentorship programme for systematic reviews and Evidence Based Public Health was conducted and nearly 25 researchers from various domains of healthcare of Manipal Academy of higher Education from both Mangalore & Manipal attended this programme that was held on 11th march 2013, and the next meeting was held on 4th april, 2013.
  • Mentorship programme at center for chronic disease control (CCDC), Delhi
  • Systematic review mentoring programme was held at Madras Diabetic Research Foundation (MDRF), Chennai
  • Mentorship programme at Population Services International (PSI), Delhi
  • Sreekumaran Nair attended the Cochrane methods training event conducted at Oxford, UK from March 18th – 22nd, 2013


International Symposium on Evidence Based Public Health Interventions in Low and Middle Income Countries was held on November 7-8, 2012. It was organized by Manipal Academy of higher Education in collaboration with the Cochrane public health review group and over 147 delegates attended it also an exploratory meeting was held for Cochrane Public Health Group satellite that discussed on the matter.

The aim of the symposium was to provide an overview of challenges involved in the evaluation of public health interventions, so as to provide a strong evidence base. This symposium lead to conception of PHESA at Manipal Academy of higher Education, Manipal

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