Call for research interns, interested candidates send their letter of expression to


The internship programme is an initiative of PHESA designed for undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctoral students of diverse backgrounds for the duration of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year who are interested in working on public health issues of South Asia.

Under this programme, students get involved in ongoing projects of PHESA and get an exposure to public health research. They are educated on health disparities, health issues, professional development and community health promotion activities. Students receive certificate on successful completion of internship.


Interns are involved in various activities of the ongoing projects;

  • Developing protocol for systematic review under Cochrane methodology.
  • Trained on search strategies to conduct a systematic review.
  • Secondary data extraction from the literatures.
  • Involved in writing review articles on public health issues of South Asia.

INTERNS-2014 to 2023

Ms. Panchami

Ms. Panchami (M.Sc in culinary innovation and food product development) joined as an intern in January 2023, for a period of four months, and she worked on “Sustainable agricultural practices in South Asia: A comprehensive review”.

Ms. Ankita Sharma

Ms. Ankita Sharma (MPH) joined as an intern in August 2023, for a period of one month and she worked on “Wings of Healing: regulatory landscape, case studies and the Indian prologue of drones in healthcare”.

Mr Jeffry

Mr Jeffry (BSc clinical nutrition) joined as an intern in June 2023, for a period of one and half month, and he worked on “Impact of chemical food contaminants on hormonal imbalances in females”: A scoping review

Mr Rohit Sreeram

Mr Rohit Sreerm (BSc Design) joined as an intern in September 2023, for a period of six months, and he worked on designing and developing brochures, flyers for various activities of CEIDeM.

Dr Anju Vijayan

Dr Anju Vijayan (MPH) joined as an intern in August 2023, for a period of one month, and she worked on worked on “Wings of Healing: regulatory landscape, case studies and the Indian prologue of drones in healthcare”.

Dr Priyanka Rao

Dr Priyanka Rao (MPH) joined as an intern in January 2023, for a period of six months, and she worked on systematic review on NTD and sickle cell disease.

Ms. Ashwija Kolakemar

Ms. Ashwija Kolakemar (Msc Pharmacology) joined as an intern in January 2023, for a period of three months, and she worked on “Barriers and Facilitators for the Donation and Acceptance of Human Breast milk”: A Scoping Review.

Mr. Akash Anil Kumar

Mr. Akash Anil Kumar (MSc food safety) joined as an intern in May 2023, for a period of three months, and he worked on “Impact of chemical food contaminants on hormonal imbalances in females”: A scoping review.

Ms. Sharanya

Ms. Sharanya (BSc design) joined as an intern in September 2023, for a period of four months, and she worked on designing and developing brochures, flyers for various activities of CEIDeM.

Mr. Sagnik Ray

Mr. Sagnik Ray (MPH) joined as an intern in October 2022, for a period of four months, and he worked on Real world application of CAD/CAM in Indian Dental Settings: A Comprehensive Review and a review on Bringing the Hospital Home: A Journey of Hope and Healing.

Ms. Ashima Rao

Ms. Ashima Rao joined as an intern in May 2020, and is working on a systematic review titled “Interventions for women with psychological morbidity due to breast cancer or its treatment: An evidence summary of systematic reviews."

Dr. Arun Mayya

Dr. Arun Mayya joined as an intern in January 2021, for a period of six months, and is working on a systematic review titled “Barriers to tobacco smoking cessation among health service providers."

Dr. Rosemol Johnson

Dr. Rosemol Johnson joined as an intern in January 2021, for a period of three months, and is working on a systematic review titled “Interventions for women with psychological morbidity due to breast cancer or its treatment: An evidence summary of systematic reviews."

Dr. Karthik M.

Dr. Karthik M joined as an intern in January 2021, for a period of six months, and is working on a systematic review titled “Barriers to tobacco smoking cessation among health service providers."

Dr. Leya Raj

Dr. Leya Raj joined as an intern in January 2021, for a period of one month, and is working on a systematic review titled “Barriers to tobacco smoking cessation among health service providers."

Dr. Megha Bhandari

Dr. Megha Bhandari joined as an intern in January 2021, for a period of four months, and is working on the topic “Overview on the effect of IFA supplemention on maternal and child health outcomes ”

Dr. Alyssa Maria Prince

Dr. Alyssa Maria Prince joined as an intern in January 2021, for a period of six months, and is working on a narrative review on the topic “healthy ageing”

Dr Sujata K. Shirodkar

Dr. Sujata K. Shirodkar joined as an intern in January 2021, for a period of six months, and is working on the topic “Overview on the effect of IFA supplemention on maternal and child health outcomes”

Dr. Sanjana Challa

Dr. Sanjana Challa (BDS, MPH) joined as an intern in March 2021, for a period of six months, and is working on a narrative review on the topic “healthy ageing” and a scoping review on “'Income support programs for older adults in South Asia”

Dr. Meera Gopal

Dr. Meera Gopal (MBBS) joined as an intern in May 2021, for a period of six months, and is working on the topic “Effect of iron and folic acid fortification and supplementation on nutritional status of women: An overview of systematic reviews”


July 2014

Dr. Ashrita Saran

Worked on the topic ‘Policy Prescription from Systematic Review Evidence on Conditional Cash transfer for improving uptake of health interventions in LMICs’. The manuscript is published in Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

Ms. Ashwiniy Shenoy
M.Sc. Biostatistics

Dr. Kumar Sumit

Dr. Megha Thakur

Ms.Miti Judith

Dr. Richa Jaswal

Dr. Tanvi Bansal

Mr. UN Yadav

August 2014

Dr. Mannat Sigh

Dr.Shradha Parsekar

  • Worked on the topic ‘An epidemiological overview of child sexual abuse’. The manuscript is published in Journal of family medicine and primary care.
  • Worked on the topic ‘Road safety in India: A public health concern’. The manuscript is published in Indian Journal of Community Health.

Aleksandra Krawczyk
B.Sc in Nutrition

Worked on the topic ‘Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Rotavirus Infection among Children’. The manuscript is published in Indian Journal of Pediatrics

Dr.Arun Simon

Worked on the topic ‘Does atraumatic restorative treatment reduce dental anxiety in children? A systematic review and meta-analysis’. The manuscript is published in The European Journal of Dentistry.


Ms.Hanna Nelson

Ms.Dayeshwari Devi

Ms.Maria Mathews


  • Number of students completed internship: 13

  • Completed systematic reviews: 2

  • Papers submitted: 4

  • Accepted papers: 4


Dr. Sirjana Dahal, Dr. Santosh Agrawal & Ms. Valeria Bevilacqua (left to right)

  • Ms. Valeria Bevilacqua worked on the topic “Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) and current Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) strategies in South Asia: A review paper”. The manuscript is published in Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health.
  • Dr. Sirjana Dahal and Dr. Santosh Agrawal worked on the topic “Evaluating sanitization of toothbrush using various Decontamination methods” The manuscript is published in Journal of Nepal Health Research Council.

Mr. Kiran Bhandary

Mr. Kiran Bhandary worked on the topic “Application of Bayesian Meta-analysis in Public Health Systematic Reviews”.

Nachiket Gudi

Nachiket Gudi worked on the topic “Completeness of reporting in Indian qualitative Public Health Research: A systematic review of 20 years of literature”. The manuscript is published in Journal of Public Health.

This year we had ten interns who worked at PHESA on Secondary data analysis

Intern Details Worked on the Topic

Ms. Amy John, M.Sc. Statistics,
MAHE, Manipal.

 “Factors influencing institutional deliveries in India using district level household survey 4”.

Ms. Devaki B. Kotian, M.Sc. Statistics,
MAHE, Manipal

 “Determinants of “feeling worthless” among elderly, using data from Building knowledge base on Population Ageing in India (BKPAI) Data”.

Ms. Merisin Joseph, M.Sc. Statistics,
MAHE, Manipal.

“Factors Influencing Exclusive breast feeding in Uttar Pradesh”.

Ms. Shradha Shetty, M.Sc. Statistics,
MAHE, Manipal

“Environmental factors associated with tuberculosis in India using NFHS 3 data”.

Ms. Vrindha Pari, MPH
MAHE, Manipal.

worked on the DFID funded project –“Gender Responsive Policing”

Ms.Anna Baby, MPH MG University, Kottayam, Kerala

“Environmental and house hold risk factors affecting tuberculosis”.

Mr.Joyel Jofred, MPH
MG University, Kottayam, Kerala

“Association between intimate partner violence and contraceptive utilization”.

Mr. Syam Sekhar, MPH
MG University, Kottayam, Kerala

“Factors associated with exclusive breast feeding among 0-6 month’s infants in Uttar Pradesh”.

Mr. Sarath T.S, MPH
MG University, Kottayam, Kerala

“Factors influencing institutional delivery in India using district house hold survey -4”.

Ms. Aishwarya Ambat, Dr. Sabah Sharafs, Dr. Neha Prasad and Dr. Praveen Mangad, second year MPH students from Prassana School Of Public Health, MAHE were in PHESA as part of their research internship and conducted a review on the topic " Nipah virus: A review on epidemiological characteristics andoutbreaks to inform public health decision making”. The manuscript is published in Journal of Infection and Public Health. During the training period they also learned the basics of systematic review.

Ms Zinnia Sharma, MPH

Ms. Zinnia Sharma worked with PHESA as an intern for more than a year. She is a team member in the review ‘Effect of food fortification and supplementation on nutritional status of women: an evidence summary’. Manuscript of the review is published in BMC Systematic Review. She was involved in various other PHESA activities.

Ms Zinnia Sharma, MPH

Ms. Zinnia Sharma worked with PHESA as an intern for more than a year. She is a team member in the review ‘Effect of food fortification and supplementation on nutritional status of women: an evidence summary’. Manuscript of the review is published in BMC Systematic Review. She was involved in various other PHESA activities.

Dr. Priyanka Prasad

Dr. Priyanka Prasad, BDS, joined as an intern in December 2019, for a period of six months. She worked on a systematic review on ‘Oral-health related quality of life in people living with HIV/AIDS: A systematic review protocol’

Ms. Ashima Rao

Ms. Ashima Rao joined as an intern in May 2020, for a period of six months, and is working on a systematic review titled “Interventions for women with psychological morbidity due to breast cancer or its treatment: An evidence summary of systematic reviews."



The diverse research environment and excellent mentorship enriched my understanding of various fields, laying a strong foundation for my future career.

Panchami LR

It was a valuable experience that greatly enhanced my skills in public health research and writing. My time at CEIDeM equipped me with new skills and deepened my passion for public health research.

Ankita Sharma

My encouraging and knowledgeable mentors introduced and deepened my understanding of evidence-based research. This experience sparked a desire in me, to pursue a career in advancing nutritional research.

Jeffry John

I had a great time working and designing material for the institute. Working in-office in a different city was a wonderful experience and one of the highlights of my internship here.

Rohit Sreeram

My experience was both enriching and rewarding, providing invaluable insights and skills. Engaging with industry experts and researchers broadened my perspective and improved my communication, helping me gain the necessary skill set for my career.

Dr Anju Vijayan

My internship at CEIDeM was rewarding and it enabled me to critically understand the nuances involved during evidence synthesis. I was able to understand different steps of evidence synthesis and understand the application of software’s that are used for data management and analysis.

Priyanka Rao

I had the exceptional chance to learn about the topic of research synthesis in-depth, hone important skills, and make a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in our profession thanks to this work

Ashwija Kolakemar

My internship at CEIDeM was a valuable experience. The guidance I received was exceptional, making the entire experience highly rewarding.

Akash Anil Kumar
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