Evidence Building


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Indigenizing Evidence Synthesis and Systematic Reviews for International Development and Global Challenges

Team Members:

University College London team

  1. Prof. Sandy Oliver
  2. Dr. Preethy D’Souza
  3. Dr. Claire Stansfield
  4. Dr. Mukdarut Bangpan

MAHE, team

  1. Dr. Baby S. Nayak
  2. Dr. Anice George
  3. Dr. Bhumika T. V.
  4. Dr. Sonia R. B. D'Souza
  5. Dr. Binil V.
  6. Dr. Eti Rajwar
  7. Dr. Shradha S. Parsekar
  8. Dr. Prachi Pundir
  9. Ms. Anupama D. S.
  10. Ms. Tenzin Phagdol

Workshop in research synthesis methods and indigenising knowledge, UCL, London

Evaluate the evidence by way of systematic reviews and qualitative research to consolidate evidence on determinants of, treatment options and case management barriers of and risk factors for mortality in neonatal pneumonia in India

Team Members:

  • Dr. N. Sreekumaran Nair – Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Shruthy Murthy- Research Associate
  • Dr. Myron Anthony Godinho - Research Associate
  • Mr. Theophilus Lakiang - Research Associate
  • Dr. Vijay Shree Dhyani- Research Associate

Protocol Workshop for the 'Determinants of neonatal pneumonia and the factors associated with mortality of neonatal pneumonia: a systematic review combined with qualitative research approach' Project with Prof. B Unnikrishnan, Prof. Shantaram Baliga, Prof. Sreekumaran Nair & Prof. Leslie Edward Lewis (right to left) on 9th & 10th February, 2016

Effectiveness of different ‘gender-responsive policing’ initiatives designed to enhance confidence, satisfaction in policing services and reduce risk of violence against women in LMICs

Team Members

  1. Dr N. Sreekumaran Nair - Principal Investigator
  2. Dr Bhumika TV - Research Scientist
  3. Ms Maria Mathews - Research Officer

Protocol workshop for the Gender Responsive Policing project at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai on the 17th & 18th October, 2015

Effectiveness of behaviour change communication (BCC) interventions in delivering health messages on antenatal care for improving maternal and child health (MCH) indicators in a limited literacy setting: An evidence summary of systematic reviews

Team Members

  1. Dr N. Sreekumaran Nair - Principal Investigator
  2. Dr Shradha Parsekar – Senior Systematic Review Officer

Protocol workshop for the Behavior Change Communication project on the 19th & 20th October, 2015

Public Works Programmes: How effective are public works programmes in stimulating local economic transformation in low- and middle-income countries?

Team Members

  1. Dr N. Sreekumaran Nair - Principal Investigator
  2. Dr. Bhumika T.V. – Research Scientist

Advisory Group meeting on November 18th 2017.

Systematic Review C: The most effective rehabilition measures for NCD-related disability that have been applied across different contexts that can result in improved functioning (i.e reduce impairement, improve activities and participation) or at least maintain or prevent loss of functioning.

Team Members

  1. Elizabeth Waters (Principal investigator), University of Melbourne, Australia
  2. N. Sreekumaran Nair (Co-investigator), Director, PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education, India
  3. Rebecca Armstrong, University of Melbourne, Australia.
  4. Fary Khan, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia.
  5. Hasheem Mannan, Trinity College, Dublin, Australia.
  6. Patrick Condron, Liason Librarian - Medicine, University of Melbourne, Australia.
  7. Mannat Singh, Systematic Review Officer, PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education, India.
  8. Shradha Parsekar, Systematic Review Officer PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education, India.

This project has been funded by World Health Organiza¬tion (WHO) and administered through Nossal Institute of Global Health, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Fortification of staple foods with vitamin A for preventing vitamin A deficiency

Team Members

  1. Dr. N. Sreekumaran Nair – Principal Investigator
  2. Ms. Aditi

Research Team

  1. Luz Maria De-Regil, Research and Evaluation, Micronutrient initiative, Canada.
  2. Juan Pablo Pena-Rosas Dept of Nutrition for Health and Development, WHO.
  3. N. Sreekumaran Nair, Director, PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education.
  4. Aditi Hombali, PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education.
  5. Bhumika TV, Research Officer, PHESA, Manipal Academy of higher Education.

This is a Cochrane Public Health Group (CPHG) review funded by the World Health Organization (WHO), Division of Nutrition

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